Families are diverse and at fivmadrid we want to embrace that diversity. Every day, we help more women to become mothers and with us, you will be able to form the family you have longed for. The ROPA method, artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization for lesbian couples are options among which our team of medical specialists will decide according to your case.
The ROPA method is the treatment par excellence for future lesbian mothers, but artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization or ovodonation are also possibilities to be considered, and all of them can be performed at fivmadrid.
Artificial insemination for a couple of two women is performed with donor sperm, previously prepared, which is introduced into the uterus of one or both members of the couple. It is the form of assisted reproduction that is most similar to the natural environment of conception and has very satisfactory results.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is also a good method for two women to start a family. The sperm would come from a donor and the insemination of the egg would be performed
When the oocytes of the mothers are aged or there is some other circumstance where it is not possible to use the eggs of either of you, there is the possibility of resorting to ovodonation, with donor eggs.
The ROPA method is the assisted reproduction treatment par excellence for couples of two women. It uses the oocytes of one of the women of the couple to fertilize it in vitro with donor sperm and inoculate it in the uterus of the other. In this way, both future mothers are involved in the process and live an experience that will unite you even more.
fivmadrid’s prices are as low as possible because we know the important work we do and we believe that fulfilling your desire to become a mother should not be restrictive in terms of price. In fact, if you have the treatment with us, the first visit will be totally free. We also have a flexible 0% financing plan.
You can read more at: Financing