Director clínico de fivmadrid
Doctorado en Medicina y Cirugía
1985 | Estudios Universitarios: Licenciada en Medicina y Cirugía. Cum Laude. Universidad de Bolonia, Italia. |
1987-1990 | Internado y Residencia: Residencia en Obstetricia y Ginecología. Cum Laude. Hospital Universitario de Parma, Italia. |
1996 | Congreso CERES Madrid: “Técnicas de reproducción asistida”. |
1997 | Cursos de Formación Continuada del Colegio de Médicos de Cáceres: Jornada de la mujer, “La mujer añosa”. Cáceres. |
1997 | Encuentro Serono en Reproducción Humana: “Inseminación artificial y FIV, la coordinación entre ginecólogos y centros de reproducción asistida” El Escorial, Madrid. |
1997-1998 | Clínica FIV-Madrid. Madrid Cursos Interactivos sobre: “Inseminaciones y Preparación del Semen”. Clínica de Reproducción Asistida FIV-Madrid. |
2000 | “Actualidad en las Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida” Colegio de Médicos de Madrid – Jornada de APROIN – 1 diciembre 2000. |
2001 | 16 de febrero: Jornadas de ASPROIN: “Donación de Óvulos”.Colegio de médicos Madrid. |
23 de marzo: Jornadas de ASPROIN: “Ovarios poliquísticos”.Colegio de médicos Madrid. | |
25 de mayo. Jornadas de ASPROIN: “El Factor Masculino en Reproducción Asistida”. Colegio de médicos Madrid. | |
2001 | Cursos de formación para personal paramédico. Clínica FIV-Madrid. Madrid. |
2007 | Serono Symposia Internacional – IVF preceptorship-ART:current practice in the XXI century. Madrid oct 2007. |
1993 | Premio ISDIN: Título del trabajo: ¿Tiene algún sentido la utilización da la hormona del crecimiento en los ciclos de Fecundación in Vitro? Estudio sobre la expresión del gen del receptor de la hormona del crecimiento en el ovario humano. Monografía disponible |
1. | Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER, Hurwizt A, Kokia E, Rosenfeld RG, Schwander J and Adashi EY: The ovarian expression of the antigonadotropic IGFBP-2 is theca-interstitial cell-selective: Evidence for hormonal regulation. Endocrinology 129: 2266, 1991. |
2. | Adashi EY, Resnick, CE, Hurwitz A, Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER, Rosenfeld RG, Roberts CT Jr., LeRoith D: The potential relevance of IGFs to ovarian physiology: Recent developments. Contraception. Fertilité Sexualité, 1991, Volume 19, pp 29-34. |
3. | Adashi EY, Resnick CE, Hurwtiz A, Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER, Rosenfeld RG: Ovarian granullosa cell-derived insulin-like growth factor binding proteins: Modulatory role of follicle-stimulating hormone. Endocrinology 128: 754, 1990. |
4. | Hernandez ER, Roberts CT, Jr., Hurwitz A, Ricciarelli E, LeRoith D, Adashi EY: Rat ovarian insulin-like growth factor-I and II gene expression: Hormonal regulation and cellular localization. In: Proceedings of the Second Sapparo International Symposium on Ovarian Function, T.Tanaka (ed.). Raven Press, 1991. |
5. | Hernandez ER, Hurwitz A, Botero L, Ricciarelli E, Werner H, Roberts CT, Jr., LeRoith D, Adashi EY: The insulin-like growth factor receptor gene family in the rat ovary: Divergent regulation of distinct receptor species. Mol Endocrinol 5: 1799, 1991. |
6. | Adashi EY, Resnick CE, Hurwitz A, Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER, Roberts CT, Jr., LeRoith D, Rosenfeld RG: Insulin-like growth factors: The ovarian connection. Human Reprod. 6: 1206, 1991. |
7. | Hurwitz A, Ricciarelli E, Botero L, Rohan RM, Hernandez ER, Adashi EY: Endocrine-mediated and autocrine- mediated regulation of rat ovarian theca- interstitial interlukin-1 gene expression. Gonadotropin-dependent preovulatory acquisition. Endocrinology 129: 3427, 1991. |
8. | Adashi EY, Resnick CE, Hurwitz A, Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER, Rosenfeld RG: Ovarian granullosa cell-derived insulin-like growth factor binding proteins: Modulatory role of follicle-stimulating hormone. Endocrinology 128: 745, 1991. |
9. | Adashi EY, Resnick C, Ricciarelli E, Hurwith A, Kokia E, Botero LF, Tedeschi C, Hernandez ER, Koistinen R, Rutanen EM, Seppala M. Local tissue modification of follicle-stimulating hormone action. In: Genazzani AR, Petraglia F (eds). Hormones in gynecological endocrinology. The Parthenon Publishing Group, Lancs, Englan, pp 255, 1992. |
10. | Adashi EY, Resnick CE, Ricciarelli E, Hurwitz A, Hernandez ER, Rosenfeld RG, Ballard FJ, Carlson-Skwirut C: Granullosa cell-derived insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins are inhibitory to IGF-I hormonal action: Evidence derived from the use of a truncated IGF-I analog. J Clin Invest 90: 1593, 1992. |
11. | Hurwtiz A, Loukides J, Ricciarelli E, Botero L, Katz E, Mc Allister JM, Garcia J, Rohan RM, Adashi EY and Hernandez ER: The human intraovarian Interlukin -1 (IL-1) system: highly-compartmentalized and hormonally- dependent regulation of the genes encoding IL-I, its receptor, and its receptor antagonist. J Clin Invest 89: 1746, 1992. |
12. | Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER, Tedeschi C, Botero L, Kokia E, Rohan RG, Rosenfeld RG, Albiston AL, Herington AC, Adashi EY: Rat ovarian insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3: A Growth Hormone-Dependent Theca- Interstitial Cell-derived Antigonadotropin. Endocrinology 130:3092, 1992. |
13. | Adashi EY, Resnick CE, Ricciarelli E, Hurwitz A, Kokia E, Botero L, Tedeschi C, Hernandez ER, Koistinen R, Rutanen EM and Seppala M. Local tissue modification of FSH hormone action, In: Genazzani AR and Petraglia F (eds), Hormones in Gynecological Endocrinology. The Parthenon Publishing Group, Lancs, England, pp 255, 1992. |
14. | Hernandez ER, Robet CT, Hurwitz A, Ricciarelli E, LeRoith D and Adashi EY: Rat ovarian IGF-I and II gene expression: Hormonal regulation and cellular localization. In: Fujimoto S, Mizuno M and Gegal Sj (Ed), Serono Symposia Rewiev No 28, Recent advances in ovarian function: Basic and clinical researches, pp 113, 1992. |
15. | Adashi EY, Resnick C, Hurwith A, Kokia E, Ricciarelli E, Roberts CT, LeRoith D, Rosenfeld RG. The ovarian and testicular IGF system. In: Nieschlag E and Habenicht F, Molecular, cellular and endocrine events in male reproduction: Spermatogenesis, Fertilization, Contraception. Schering Foundation Workshop 4, Springer~Verlag, Berlin, pp 113, 1992. |
16. | Adashi EY, Resnick CE, Hurwitz A, Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER, Roberts CT Jr, LeRoith D and Rosenfeld R G. The intraovarian IGF System. Growth Reg 2: 10, 1992. |
17. | Adashi EY, Resnick CE, Hurwitz A, Kokia E, Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER, Roberts CT, LeRoith D, and Rosenfeld RG. Ovarian Growth Factors: The IGF-I example. In Nieschlag E. (ed). Molecular and cellular endocrine events in male reproduction. Spring- Verlag, Berlin., pp.143, 1992. |
18. | Botero L, Kokia E, Ricciarelli E, Roberts CT, LeRoith D, Adashi EY and Hernandez ER: IGF-I gene and type I IGF gene expression by primary cultures of ovarian cells: Insulin and dexamethasone-dependence. Endocrinology 132: 2703, 1993. |
19. | Adashi EY, Resnick CE, Hurwitz A, Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER, Botero L, Roberts CT. Jr, LeRoith D, and Rosenfeld RG. The intraovarian IGF System as a Paradigm for intraovarian regulators. In: Magness RR and Naftolin F. (Eds), Local Systems in Reproduction, 1993. |
20. | Hernández ER, Ricciarelli E. ¿Existe alguna relacion entre el Premio Nobel y la temperatura de los testículos?. Endocrinologia 42: 35-36, 1995. |
21. | Hernández ER, Ricciarelli E. Desarrollo folicular: Factores de Crecimiento. pp 50-62. Remohi J, Pellicer A (eds). 1996. |
22. | Putoski L, Rohan R. Choi DS, Scherzer W, Ricciarelli E, Mordacq J, Mayo K, Adashi E. Rat ovarian insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4: a hormone dependent granullosa cell derived antigonadotropin. J. Soc. Gynecol. Invest Vol. 4, N 3, May/June 1997. |
23. | Peramo B, Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER. Transferencia de embriones: La gran olvidada. Boletín de la SEF 8: 18-24, 1999. |
24. | Hernandez ER, Garcia-Bermudez M, Roldan E, Ricciarelli E. Estudio previo a la reproducción asistida. Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidad 4: 19-22, 1999. |
25. | Peramo B, Ricciarelli E, Hernández ER. Blastocyst Transfer and Monocygotic Twinning. Fertil. Steril. 1999. |
26. | Peramo B, Ricciarelli E, Hernández ER. Mecanismo de Acción de las hormonas esteroides. En “Moduladores selectivos de los receptores de estrógenos (SERM): Aspectos básicos y clínicos”. A. Cano y J. Calaf (eds.), Doyma SA, Barcelona, pp 15-22, 1999. |
27. | Peramo B, Ricciarelli E, Hernandez ER. Gestación con agonistas de la GnRH. Progresos en Obstetricia y Ginecología. 43: 521-526, 2000. |
28. | Acevedo B, Gómez JL, Ricciarelli E, Hernández ER. Efectos secundarios de la punción transvaginal. Revista IberoAmericana de Infertilidad 20: 31-34, 2003. |
29. | Ricciarelli E, Sánchez-Burgos M, Sánchez M, Cuadros J, Hernández ER. Impact of the antagonist of GnRH in oocyte donation. Fertil Sterilility 79: 1461-1463; 2003. |
30. | Acevedo B, Gómez JL, Hernandez ER, Ricciarelli E. LH-supplementation increase pregnancy rates in GnRH antagonist donor cycles. Fertil Sterilility 82: 343-347, 2004. |
31. | Gómez JL Acevedo B, Ricciarelli E, Hernández ER. Timing ovulation for intrauterine insemination with a GnRH antagonist. Human Reproduction 20: 368-372, 2005. |
32. | Gómez JL Acevedo B, Ricciarelli E, Hernández ER. LH improves early follicular recruitment in women over 38 years old. RBMOnline 11: 409-414, 2005. |
33. | Gómez JL Acevedo B, Ricciarelli E, Hernández ER. Requerimientos de la LH en estimulación ovárica: la ventana terapéutica. CMR 11: 45-53, 2005. |
34. | M Sánchez, J Cuadros, L Andrés, E Ricciarelli, ER Hernández. Diagnostico Genético Preimplantacional para enfermeras. Libro de “Reproducción Asistida para Enfermeras”. Publicado por la SEF. |
35. | Sánchez Aparicio P, Martinez M, Cuadros J, Ricciarelli E, Hernández ER. Estudio de la expresión del gen de la insulina y su receptor en ovocitos y embriones humanos. Rev Iberoam Fertilidad 23: 387-394, 2006. |
36. | Acevedo B, Gómez-Palomares JL, Ricciarelli E, Hernández, ER. Triggering ovulation with GnRH agonists does not compromise embryo implantability. Fertil Sterility 86: 1682-87, 2006. |
37. | Gómez-Palomares JL, Acevedo-Martín B, Chávez M, Manzanares MªA, Ricciarelli E, Hernández ER. Multifollicular recruitment in combination with gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist increased pregnancy rates in intrauterine insemination cycles. Fertility Sterility vol. 89, no. 3: 620-624, 2008. |
38. | Hernández ER, Gómez-Palomares JL, Ricciarelli E. No room for Ovarian Hyperstimulation Síndrome (OHHS) in oocyte donor cycles. Fertil Sterility 2010 |