Gone are the stereotypes of the traditional family. Now more than ever, being a single mother with a donor is really comfortable if you choose the right professionals. In fivmadrid we know how important it is to take the big step for you, so we will explain how to become a single mother so you can fulfill the most beautiful project of your life.
As we have already mentioned, there are different treatments that are chosen depending on the patient’s profile. We explain them below so that you have an overview of how they work, although the doctor will always explain the chosen treatment in detail.
This is the simplest and least invasive of all. It consists of introducing donor sperm into the uterus with a fine cannula. This process is of low complexity and respects the natural environment of the gametes. This type of insemination is indicated when the fallopian tubes are permeable and is performed when the woman has ovulated.
This is a fertilization that is performed outside the body, in a laboratory dish, and 3-5 days later the embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus. This treatment is usually used when other less expensive and less complex treatments have failed or it can also be performed directly, depending on the woman’s age and the functionality of her fallopian tubes.
The eggs and sperm used in single mother egg donation come from anonymous donors. Both donors, the sperm donor and the oocyte donor, undergo an exhaustive study to verify genetic suitability, as well as to look for similarities in genetic characteristics and to respect blood compatibility. The egg and sperm are fertilized in vitro, and will follow the same guidelines as this treatment.
As you already know, it will be at the moment of choosing the treatment when we will give you a breakdown of the price of the process and the ways to finance it. However, you can get an idea of what each treatment includes and, after customizing it to you, we will tell you how much your investment will be. Our goal is to be able to offer affordable prices with the desired results.