Your baby during labor

05 July, 2021

Escrito por el equipo médico fivmadrid

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When a baby is born, the image surprises new mothers and fathers in many cases, as it appears bluish and covered with a sticky layer that covers the newborn’s skin. This substance is called vernix caseosa.


This layer is made up of antimicrobial proteins, fat, water, and a high concentration of vitamin E. Vernix protects the baby from viruses, fungi, and the skin from amniotic fluid.


The baby’s skin may initially be yellowish in color (jaundice) as a result of delayed activation of liver enzymes.


On the other hand, another of the most surprising aspects is the head, since in most cases (due to natural birth) it has a conical or oval appearance. This is due to the cranial structure of the newborn. The bones are flexible and soft with some openings between the bone plates. When undergoing pressure on the head through the vaginal tract, the limb adapts to be able to exit without further complication.


After delivery, the blood circulation that came from the placenta to the heart is redirected to the baby’s lungs, which are in adaptation and growth / expansion phase. Understanding this process makes it easier to understand when a premature baby needs respiratory support.


Many women today choose cesarean delivery to avoid the pain and complications of natural childbirth. The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concern and alarm at the increase in this practice that can generate negative consequences in maternal and child health such as:


This is because children who are born by cesarean section do not have the time to transition from those who are born by natural birth. The WHO recommends natural childbirth unless medically indicated otherwise.


Knowing these aspects is getting a little closer to our little one who is about to be born and who will bring a state of inexplicable happiness to his new home.

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