What is egg donation?

March 29, 2022

Egg donation is the altruistic act of donating your eggs to a heterosexual or homosexual couple, as well as to a single mother who cannot have a child by her own means.

Sperm donation for lesbian couples or single mothers is well known, but egg donation is not as well known and is just as necessary.

Are you interested in helping other couples to fulfill their dream of becoming daddies and mommies? Well, keep reading, we are going to explain how to donate eggs in Madrid.

What are the requirements to donate eggs?

To donate eggs in Spain it is necessary to be over 18 years old, not suffer from hereditary diseases and be in good physical and mental health.

In general, egg donors are usually between 18 and 30 years old in order to donate the best quality eggs to couples in need.

It is important that there are no hereditary pathologies in your family because, if there are, it means that your eggs can be carriers of such hereditary pathology, even if you do not suffer from it.

In addition, you must not have sexually transmitted diseases or other gynecological pathologies that may affect the donation process.

Don’t know if you meet all the requirements? Don’t worry, as an egg donation clinic you can contact us for a free appointment where we will study your case and analyze whether or not you can donate.

What is the process to donate eggs?

We know that it is difficult to find a reliable place to donate eggs in Madrid, but as a clinic with more than 30 years of experience, we are known for treating our donors with the utmost care and affection.

Therefore, the donation process begins with a call to the clinic and making an appointment. After that, we will perform some studies to see your compatibility with the recipient of your eggs.

Once the studies are finished and the donor is compatible with the recipient, then the medication begins. This medication, in our case as an egg donation clinic in Madrid, is paid by us and you do not have to worry about anything.

Once the medication is finished, we would then proceed to extract your eggs which, once extracted, would be fertilized and implanted in the recipient who, after 9 months, will have a precious child thanks to your donation.

When you donate eggs, are the children yours?

As your donated eggs are going to be used for an assisted reproduction treatment and therefore, to bring a baby into the world, it is normal that you wonder whose child it is.

The answer is simple, in Spain, egg donation is anonymous, so the children born from your eggs belong to the couple or mother who received them and you, as the donor, have no responsibility towards them.

How many times can I donate eggs?

There are many egg donation clinics in Madrid, as well as in Spain, but all of them are obliged to register the donors in a national registry called SIRHA.

In this registry all donors are registered, male or female, as well as the sons and daughters derived from the donations. If these children are more than 6, then the donor cannot donate more times in Spain.

So, you can donate up to 6 sons or daughters. In FIVMadrid we do not recommend more than 4-6 cycles of stimulation.

How long does it take to donate again?

We love donors who want to help so many couples and decide to donate more than once, but you should know that between donations you have to wait an average of 2-4 months.

This is done for your health and it is recommended that you respect this and do not go to other clinics after you have donated in one.

What do I receive in exchange for donating eggs?

The first thing is clear, helping other human beings to fulfill their dream of living their lives as they want, creating a family.

In addition, at FIVMadrid, as a donor you will benefit from an exhaustive gynecological study for a year free of charge, a genetic study and a whole series of analyses necessary to check your physical condition.

Finally, we will reward you financially for the inconvenience caused by the donation (travel, cab, bus, work time…).

In FIVMadrid our donors are delighted with the process so the vast majority repeat with us after their first donation.

If you would like to be part of our donors, call 915 616 616 or write us at atencionalpaciente@fivmadrid.es to

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