Uterine fibroids and pregnancy consequences

08 June, 2021

Escrito por el equipo médico fivmadrid

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miomas fibroid fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that are generated by the growth of smooth muscle cells found in the uterus. Fibroids generally appear in women of childbearing age, increasing their appearance before the end of this stage.

It is a pathology in which multiple factors such as hormonal, vascular, genetic and profibrotic can intervene.

What are the risk factors influencing the appearance of fibroids?

Known risk factors include early menarche, diets high in red meat, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of vitamin D, early use of oral contraceptives, nulliparity, obesity, and hypertension.

What are the different types of uterine fibroids?

How can a fibroid affect fertility?

Submucosal fibroids decrease the chances of a successful pregnancy in In Vitro Fertilization cycles.

In most cases, it is difficult to determine the full impact as the frequency of myomatosis increases as the woman ages.

Factors related to uterine fibroids that can prevent pregnancy are:

In general, uterine fibroids are approached surgically and the technique will vary depending on the size and composition of the fibroids. It will also depend on the age of the woman in order to diagnose the most appropriate treatment: hysteroscopic, abdominal or laparoscopic myomectomy.

A patient undergoing assisted reproduction treatment, or pregnant with fibroids, must maintain a rigorous periodic control and follow-up of personalized treatment to guarantee their success.

If you have more questions or think you may suffer from this pathology, do not hesitate to consult your specialist doctor or call FIVMadrid so that we can analyze your fertility. Call us at: +34 915 616 616

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