Implantation bleeding

March 17, 2022

In FIVMadrid we wanted to write an enlightening blog about implantation bleeding, how women can differentiate it with the period, when it occurs, what symptoms it produces, and so on. Hopefully this topic will be interesting for you and help you with the doubts you have.

When does implantation bleeding occur?

Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus producing a slight reddish spotting 10-14 days after fertilization. This is known as embryo implantation.

Fertilization is when the sperm penetrates the egg, giving rise to what will eventually be a precious baby.

However, fertilization alone is not enough to carry a pregnancy forward. The embryo needs the uterus and that is when implantation spotting can occur, which, as the name implies, occurs when the embryo implants in the uterus. Now yes, if everything goes well at 9 months we will see the birth of a beautiful baby.

This bleeding occurs because the embryo when implanted in the uterine wall can damage a blood vessel, causing bleeding.

On the other hand, not in all pregnancies there is bleeding. Sometimes there are women who do not have implantation bleeding and others who do. Having or not implantation spotting does not mean that the pregnancy will be more or less successful.

How do I differentiate it from my period?

To differentiate the flow produced by implantation bleeding from the flow produced by menstruation, it is important to understand that both occur more or less around the same days, but that their symptoms are completely different.

Menstruation has different symptoms in each woman that make it difficult to generalize.

However, in contrast to implantation bleeding, bleeding is darker, heavier and longer lasting. In addition, the period is often accompanied by pain.

These are all symptoms that implantation bleeding does not present.

On the other hand, the most practical way to find out is to perform a pregnancy test to detect the hCG (Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone) produced by the placenta.

What are the symptoms of implantation bleeding?

Implantation bleeding is painless, pinkish or light pink and lasts between 24/48 hours, never more than 72 hours.

Therefore, this bleeding is useful to diagnose when the implantation of the egg occurs.


Is implantation bleeding treated?

Implantation bleeding is mild, stops on its own and does not require treatment. Only 25-30% of women with an ongoing pregnancy, either natural or through assisted reproduction, will suffer from it.

Therefore, since it is due to a cause such as pregnancy, there is no treatment for implantation bleeding since it does not require any.


If you are having bleeding and do not know how to differentiate it from menstruation, then the most opportune recommendation would be to take a pregnancy test if this bleeding occurs around the time you should have your menstrual period.

This test can be purchased at any pharmacy and is very easy to perform. It consists of going to the bathroom and urinating on the end of the test indicated in the instructions.

Having done this in a few minutes, you will know if the bleeding you have is menstrual bleeding (negative result) or bleeding (positive result) in which case you are pregnant.

On the other hand, as an expert clinic in assisted reproduction, at FIVMadrid we recommend that you go immediately to your gynecologist in case of any abnormal bleeding.

However, what do we understand as abnormal bleeding?

We understand abnormal bleeding as that which is more abundant than normal, of a color other than red, for example greenish, and which has no similarities with bleeding or menstruation, the symptoms of which you can find in this article.

Finally, if you are a patient of FIVMadrid and you have implantation bleeding, congratulations, it means that we have done our job well and you are pregnant.

Pregnancies like yours are what make us continue working with enthusiasm in assisted reproduction for more than 30 years and we want to continue for another 30 years making possible the life you want.

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